Faith & Hope

Sometimes everything you believe in rides on these two words.
Faith & Hope.
It is easy to lose sight of both them when we are faced with the bitterness of disappointment, rejection and despair.
In the past six months I have learned a lot about these two words, when faced with my own personal demons which are anxiousness,self-doubt and being afraid of the worst that could happen.
For awhile I wondered what I would do now that I had left the childcare industry - wouldn't it have made sense to go back and give it one more shot?
I admit it would have, sometimes I have dreams that I am back at my old work place like nothing happened. As much as I loved my work-mates and the children, something stopped me.

It was a combination of anxiousness, self-doubt and being afraid - but there was something else, I wanted to do something new with my life, I just didn't know what.
At first I thought about going to Bible School through my church and seeing where that would lead, I love my Pastors - they are a beautiful couple from the United States and I love listening to them preach the Word because they have so much love for their congregation. They make sure all the pieces of scripture line up accurately. They encourage us to have a strong relationship with God and remind us that God loves us and we can talk to him about anything in our lives, not just our personal demons but the stuff that happens everyday, the stuff we learn and the things that are hard for us to face.

My Pastors are so inspirational and they were the reason why I was thinking about becoming a Pastor, having people call me "Pastor Sarah" and thinking about what projects I would run and help people spiritually and emotionally broken, I am told that I am a good listener and good at giving advice.
But despite these two good qualities that could make me a great Pastor, I was not "Called"
I don't know what it sounds like when Jesus "Calls" people to fulfil positions in his church, but if it was a siren I didn't hear it. I am still going to Bible School one day though because I love Theology; I got top marks when it came to Religion in high school. I once did a monologue pretending to be Joan of Arc and my teacher thought it was inspirational! In this case it was a matter of thinking, not doing.

 I was a little lost for a time, trying to think of what I was passionate about and what I was good at.
I thought about becoming a Librarian because I love books.
Being a librarian would be cool, I love books and quiet places.
I don't know what happened to that idea...but I didn't know if I could commit to it long term.

I did more humming and har-ring and eventually came up with something I would love to do combining my two favourite things in the whole wide world.
Books and Food.
I suddenly remembered a couple of years ago while I was studying Childcare Cert III I thought about opening my own book café.
So there it is people. My future career.

So far I have just been doing Resume drops, looking for waitress and kitchenhand work.
Earlier tonight I heard from God and he told me that I would be working this year, it didn't really matter whether it was childcare related or not because next year I would be studying Hospitality and Buisness Cert III.

My Primary School Motto was "Nothing Without God", now that I am older I appreciate that sentiment a lot more than I did back then, because even if you have Hope and Faith, those things can be easily washed away by the things in life that knock you down. I slowly learned that if I wanted Hope and Faith, I needed Jesus first because that is what He is to me.

Today I am looking forward to the future, although there are still moments of anxiousness and fear; I know that Jesus is on my side, loving me, fighting for me, breaking down barriers in my mind and in my life.

This is where I will end this blog tonight. But what I want to leave you with is that life is a foot-print in the sand, it's here one minute and the next its gone so make sure you catch a lot of great waves and keep smiling! Have hope in faith! 

- Sarah

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declared the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


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