There Is Something About Chloe...


Today I had a terrible epiphany that is really so shameful I will definitely regret saying it at all!
I think my writers block is the equivalent of Erectile Dysfunction!
I have all kinds of stories in my head and for some reason unknown to me, I am sitting at half-mast and cannot perform!
I start writing something that I reckon will be fun and then...well, all of my fictional heroes and heroines are disappointed while I am frantically scrambling to revive the excitement and anticipation for their tales. This is one thing that frustrates me about being a writer - lots of good story lines sitting on my desktop but they come to an abrupt pause mid-sentence.
I want to write something so sensational that people will still be talking about years from now, the kind of book they will keep in a special place on their book shelves and read it once or twice a year, or whenever the mood strikes them. Something they will always remember and talk about with their families, friends, strangers on the 174 bus heading into the Valley.


Although A. is still bearing the marks from being hit by a car the other week, it is just trauma residue that he will need to deal with. He said that what he really wanted an apology from the driver, even though it was just an accident. Some kind of acknowledgement that it had happened.
So far the driver has not made any contact. Maybe he needs time to deal with this too.
This may sound a little nuts, but I prayed for the guy. It wouldn't have been easy to go home after something like that and have to tell your family and friends that you could have killed someone.
In saying that, I guess I can understand why he can't apologise. It makes the situation all the more real. At least he got A. an ambulance, maybe that's him being sorry.

& The Everyday...

I was not rostered on, or called into work today which is just as well because I have come down with a seasonal cold. Since yesterday afternoon I have been walking around inhaling a handkerchief scented with Vicks.
 A. said that its better to have this cold now rather than when we go to Melbourne.
I quite agree! It would have sucked to be sick on my little adventure to Melbourne, which is the home-base of Australian arts, culture and history. And let's not forget the shopping and fashion!
Today begins the nine day count-down to Melbourne! Eeeeek! So excited!
If time allows, while we are in Melbourne I will see if I can drag A. to Young & Jackson Hotel to have a drink with Chloe!

First of all, Chloe is not family, not even a friend. But patrons at Young & Jackson Hotel in Melbourne have been drinking with her since 1901!
Remember in my last blog entry that I was headed to the Morrison Hotel in Brisbane?

At the Naked Whiskey Bar at the Morrison Hotel. Various paintings and black and white photos of nudes were the visual hors d'Ĺ“uvre inspected with a glass of wine.
 Despite being a prude myself, I did actually appreciate that there was one place you could find a woman who had not been cosmetically enhanced or air-brushed. Women of all shapes and sizes, in various poses in a half-state of undress or unabashedly naked. But what makes me tick is the stories behind the frame. Who were these women? What made them decide to pose for photos that would still be hanging up in the bar years later?
 Only one of these women had a story and that was Chloe.
Her real name had been Marie and she was nineteen years old. To make things more interesting, she had been in love with the artist, a Frenchman called Jules Joseph Lefebvre.
I don't know how somebody can look haughty and shy, but that is how Jules Joseph Lefebvre captured his muse. Her beautiful body turned towards the audience teasingly, but looking away as though she is dismissive.
According to the monument next to *Chloe's portrait at the Morrison, although it is not mentioned in the reference link I have put at the end of this blog; *Chloe had fallen in love with her French artist and in a twist that would have made William Shakespeare wish that he had written this story,*Chloe poisoned herself after Lefebvre ran off with her sister.
The only consoling thing which came out of this tragedy is that Chloe's portrait made her famous, her youth captured forever. Other than that I was little mad because if Chloe had waited a few more years, she could have fallen in love with someone else. It's a shame she didn't think that too...
Today *Chloe hangs around in Young & Jackson Hotel in Melbourne and has a bar named after her called Chloe's.
If you are in Brisbane and are in dire need of a drinking partner - go to the Morrison Hotel and have a drink with Chloe at the Naked Whiskey Bar. She hangs out there too! 
While you are there, make sure you give a toast to Marie!

 - Sarah x



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