No Sugar? No Sweat!


After writing potential best sellers, it is very normal for a certain aspiring writer to simply relax and wait for the next best seller to drop into her brain whilst trying, seemingly in vain to look for publishers who are not greenhorn shy.
Other than that, the rest is life.
These days life is mostly about family, A, work and learning to use a sewing machine.
You might say "Big deal!" but I am fixated on the goal of sewing my own wedding dress when the time rolls around, so I have to get in lots of practice!


A. and I are going absolutely, spiffing, awesomely fantastic and needless to say, I am a very happy lady!

& The Everyday...

Stifled by the clutter of A.'s and my humble dwelling, I walked to one of my local libraries in hope that a window of inspiration would open. And it certainly did, I just didn't know it at the time.
I walked past "I Quit Sugar For Life" by Sarah Wilson once or twice before picking it up and reading the blurb and after careful consideration, decided I wouldn't it need it - as I wasn't interested in quitting sugar.
That was two weeks ago - what changed between now and then?
Last Thursday I was feeling happy - and wanted to indulge in an incy, wincy treat.
My incy, wincy treat was courtesy of Fruitti Tuitti, the Asian version of Cold Rock and very, very irresistible. Even me on a no lolly/no chocolate/no fun diet could not resist the siren call.
All it took was one look and then it was like gravitational pull of gravity pulled me towards the stand, before I knew it I selected the flavour Death By Chocolate and chose the additional sweets, Reese's Peanut Cups and chocolate chips! Oh. My. Gosh! The first bite was amazing, as I knew it would.
But unlike Eve's apple, the taste became bitter because of the thoughts that crossed my mind.
Honestly Sarah, where's your self control?
That was when I had to concede I had none. Not when it came to the sweet stuff.
That was when "I Quit Sugar For Life" popped into my head.
I doubt I can quit sugar for life. (Well, maybe if my life depended on it!)   I wondered if I quit sugar for thirty-days if I would have a better grasp on my self-control and have more appreciation for those melting moments  and wanted to deserve and savour more them more.
After running the idea past A. and my P.T, I organised to have my Last Dessert for 30 days.
(With the exception of a small treat on Christmas Day if I keep my eyes (and hands) off sugar.
I am in my second day and so far I have been able to weather it.
Woo! Go me! I can't wait to see how I feel (and look) in the next 27 days!
The count-down begins!
27 Days.
1 Hormonal Chick.
Stay tuned!

xx Sarah

& The Every Day...

Because our humble two-bedroom unit is somewhat cluttered and although I should, I somehow don't make time to throw away stuff, or put away the folded laundry that are in scattered piles in the bedroom. Frankly, I'm exhausted trying to be a domestic goddess out of the 50's!


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