Home is where the Heart is


Today I woke up in my own bed after two and a half weeks in another country.
Fiji was just...incredible - I learnt and grew so much during those two weeks.
People don't travel to see another country, they travel to see other worlds - like Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy in C.S Lewis's 'The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe'.
Although there was no wicked ice queen on the other side of my wardrobe, I saw poverty and homelessness amid a culture of giving and happiness. Even now I am trying to process completely what I saw, all I can put it down to is in Fiji, there are two worlds living side by side - the wealthy and poor. The mission God has put on Ally's heart in Fiji is a very important piece of the puzzle to break the cycle of poverty. Some struggling families in Fiji have to make hard, life-altering decisions because they are desperate for a roof over their heads and food for themselves and their families.They turn to thievery, prostitution and a marriage of convenience.
On my last day in Fiji, I met a young man called Sam and he told me a very sad story about how last week, an Indian girl who had recently left an orphanage because she had come of age; was married and had locked herself in the bathroom, committed suicide by setting herself on fire - she had only been seventeen. That is how desperate things are, despite the glossy travel brochures.
Fortunately, things are beginning to change. In the taxi on the way to the airport in Nadi (pronounced 'Nandy') I spotted signs hanging from fences in the villages saying.
'This is decreed a Violent-Free village'
Little steps like this show that Fiji is heading towards a future of hope and prosperity - I have no doubt that one day, it won't just be the Westerners who see the rainbow on Fijian's horizon, but the Fijians themselves.
If you have some spare cash or want to make an ongoing donation to Bringing Hope Ministries, you will be doing something absolutely life changing for families and children in Fiji.
 Together we can watch miracles happen in places where the devil himself is walking.

Bringing Hope Ministries
BSB - 034045
Account - 103113


After nine hours of travelling, I saw the welcoming lights of Brisbane - the plane was close enough to the ground that myself and fellow passengers could see the highways outlined in gold and everything else was fairy-lights against the darkness.
 At 7:00pm Australian time, I had just walked out of customs when I found a welcome sight.
First, my Dad walking towards me with a broad grin - I am so blessed to have Dad; he is kind, compassionate and a patient listener. One day I hope I can be as gracious as my Dad.
Then I saw Mum. Words cannot explain what this woman means to me, she's strong and beautiful and I hope that when I am a Mum, I can be as good as her.
Not a second later, I saw A. smiling and I held him tightly to me - this man that God made to be my partner in life and love, to share my triumphs, joys, fears and sadness - was finally in the same breathing space as me after two and a half weeks.
Family is home.
Love is life.


I have a newfound appreciation for everything which belongs to me. Never again will I take for granted I am a woman of the west with freedom to make choices for my body, my future and that I am loved by my family and the man I'm going to marry one day.
I am so grateful for all of that, because it is more than what most people get.

Sarah xx


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