Season of Change


As of 12am on Friday morning. Australia is five months into 2015!
Where have these past four months gone?
With June coming up in twenty-nine days and the mid-year reflection fast coming - what have we done great so far?
I'll tell you a bit about what I have been up to...
1. I have lost ten kilos these past eleven weeks (GO ME!) and am currently finding all my pairs of jeans are too loose to wear! 
2. I have been given three hour shifts in the afternoons at work three to four days a week and that has been a huge relief and blessing.
3. I have been exercising at the gym three days a week! 
4. I stayed true to myself (More about that later)


My brother-in-law, Nick, as of last week became Good Life Ambassador for 2015!
So damn proud because he is absolutely amazing and spent hours on his campaign, which included going around to the other Good Life gyms (as far as Nerang and Robina) to meet and greet people.
Well done, brother! 

What is new in the world of Sarah & A.?
A. seems to be rapidly disappearing before my eyes, he has lost twelve kilos and counting during twelve-week challenge. I would show you a photo but my man is modest! Super proud of him!
Without the stress of searching for somewhere to move as our lease renewal looms and income reasonably predictable, A. and I are just chilling out and talking about the big F word - Finances, the bed wetter before and after children as well as house-chores!
Ah, the bliss of cohabitation! But hey, I can't see myself doing this with anyone else - so it's worth it!

& The Everyday.

 4. Being true to myself.
Easier said than done.
But when justifications turn into excuses and excuses becoming the norm - that's when you have to put your foot down and walk away.
It occurred to me this week that I have been too...well, nice.
No, there is nothing wrong with being nice - except when people you are friends with don't act nice towards you and take you for granted because they know you will always be nice to them, no matter what they throw at you.
I don't like dramatic scenes, I don't like nasty confrontations.
But from now on, I'm going to be nice to me before anyone else - starting with friends who don't act like friends. I used to justify the actions of others with how they are feeling, even though it was careless and selfish - and I did it well, those people never had to take accountability for the hurt their actions and words had caused, because I was all about the 'three wrongs don't make it right'.
I understand that nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes and that's how we learn - but when it comes to some people, they won't learn unless you stop catching them mid-fall.
Sometimes you can take a few steps back emotionally, then there are those sad moments when you realise unless you cut things off with them in all forms of communication, you will always be drawn to them, their dramas and their bull****.
Forgiveness is not always about reconciliation. It's about acknowledging that the past is the past and you are ready to move on.
Because soon the good memories will lose their shine and only feelings of hurt and anger will remain.
Remember what I said in my last post about how the trees in Spring don't pick up dead leaves from the last season? I think we can learn a few things from trees when it comes to our relationships with people.

The Change of Season

On a new note, with the change of season, I have noticed the number on my scales increasing to 88.2 and I was 85 kilos two weeks ago! With that realisation, I know I need to get back down to 85 and keep going! Next month half of the year will be gone and in July, there will be four months remaining until December 1st when I jump on the scales and be standing on 75 kilos or less!
Today I wrote a new meal plan for Autumn/Winter.
Other than writing and smooching with my ridiculously good looking beau, for the past couple of weeks I have been cutting photos out of Frankie and Ruth magazines and arranging the pictures into collages or utilizing a creative license to re-arrange the photo.
Here is a little bit of eye-candy for you, including my Autumn/Winter meal-plan!
This will tide you over until you hear my big news! (That most of you probably already know!) ;)
Enjoy, mi amigos!

- Sarah xx



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