A Writers Field Trip

With one manuscript finished and in the middle of revision, I can't seem to get excited about writing anything. (Except maybe my blog.)
Due to shifting furniture around my little two-bedroom unit, my desk is submerged in everything you can think of except stationary and that is a potential reason why my inspiration is ebbing.
But the first and foremost reason could be because when nothing is happening, nothing gets written.
This morning I went to the gym for an hour and when I got home I started to tackle the task of laundry. Between laundry and the Sex & The City marathon I had today, I gave myself a make-over in an attempt to make myself somewhat presentable to meet A's boss and co-workers tonight at the Morrison Hotel. Yes, very house-wifey of me, I know.
On the days I am not working (which is most days) my uniform is "grandma shoes" and an airy dress. But today I wanted to do something spontaneous for a change. As much as I love being a glorified house-spouse, there is only so much you can do to fill in the hours of the day.
So I changed out of my house-spouse ensemble and slipped into something a little more sexy, a black and blue dress which hugs my voluptuous figure and makes me look a size smaller!
At 1:00pm me, myself and I took my small pink wedges with flowers on them on a writers field trip.
I wasn't meeting A. until 6:30pm. So that gave me time to explore new terrain.
Instead of jumping off the bus at Southbank, I went one stop further and hopped off the bus at the Cultural Center. After a little deliberation, I found the State Library of Queensland.
However, I still had one more stop.
I had not felt like eating much today as I had a late breakfast after my gym session.
Luckily for me, even in a new place my eyes can scout the nearest eatery which turned out to be The Library Cafe located on level one of SLQ. Where else was a famished, wandering writer going to go?
I appeased the insistent gnawing in my stomach with a Bundaberg Ginger Beer and a toasted  beef turkish sandwich. All the while I enjoyed the feeling of being in a new atmosphere, hearing the rare sound of french accents mingled with the scraping of plates, cutlery and chatter.

Now full and functioning, I asked for directions to the Writers Center which was was located on the second level.
It is fortunate that I like to look at displays, the Writers Center had a big one and if I had missed that then I would have missed the door altogether. Stepping into a wide, spacious room I approached the desk where there sat a brown haired lady, behind her was an office full of people who were busily working at their desks. I had stepped into Writers haven!
The lady smiled the entire time she spoke to me, giving me all the brochures a new writer trying to break into the writing industry would need.
It is a good thing I did not bring my Kindle today so I had nothing to distract me from reading the brochures. There are a couple of short courses I wouldn't mind doing next year.
After leaving the Writers Center, I had a little sneak-peek at the rest of level two.
I was greeted with the biggest silence I had ever heard, with the exception of rustling papers and the sound of somebody's fingers making furious, passionate love with the computer keys.
On my way to the third floor, a librarian shushed me and I didn't even have to speak - my blue Billabong bag was doing all the talking for me and so far, it wasn't making a big impression.
Not that I care - I like big bags and cannot lie! As a writer you can never have too many big bags - plenty of room for the important things. Like a book, an a4 note book and pen - and other knick-knacks that could be needed. Needless to say, I live and breathe for big bags (even though they make a lot of noise!)

The third floor was nothing novel after the second, this was obviously the place where self-studiers hid behind their laptops. I found an empty table facing the Brisbane River and sat down in a white squishy swivel chair so I could admire the rain fall on the river's brown surface.
The much anticipated storm came (better late than never!) it was angry and loud and I nearly gasped with fright when I heard the low, menacing growl of thunder. The sound of thunder is much more amplified in town.
Twenty-five minutes later, the storm left but the rain stayed.
Rain is delightful but not exactly a good idea when you are wearing pink wedge heels!
I wish I could tap my heels three times and my grandma shoes would appear on my feet!
Unfortunately, that magic only works if you have a good fairy and your name is Dorothy!

My writers field trip had the desired effect - my fingers practically itched until I sat down at one of the library computers and wrote this blog.
Hopefully this heavenly oasis has rescued me from the writer's desert!

Thanks for checking in today!
Stay awesome!

Sarah x


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