The Fireside Wife - True Love
I watched the Disney movies, I read and hoard romance novels (I still do).
But nothing could have prepared me for what true love is - until I met my husband Alan.
That first night that I met Alan on a couch at a birthday party back in November 2011 - I heard a voice in my heart say that this man would be a big part in my life. I couldn't believe it then. I was dazzled by the fact that this gorgeous, down-to-earth guy had sat down a few centimetres down from me and struck up a conversation. I was really shy and unsure of myself back then, but being in Alan's presence I felt safe and happy.
Fast forward seven years and we have been through a lot of things together.
We have had fun and laughed, we've cried and mourned. We've moved through moments of uncertainty, frustration and petty annoyances and we apologise when one of us have unintentionally hurt the other. We grew in trust and faith, we've looked after each other in times of feast and famine, in health and sickness and that is how it will be for the rest of our lives.
There are still times when I growl at him to get his worn socks off the couch or he tells me not to over-think things, just to do them and we balance each other out that way.
At the beginning of our relationship we had a couple of hurdles to overcome and it took us a couple of years to effectively share our honest feelings and thoughts with each other. We tip-toed around for the first two years but as time went on and life happend, it made us honest and gave us discernment about topics to talk about and when is a more effective time to have those conversations about life. We have both made mistakes and grown from them.
As a young teenager I was under the mistaken belief that romantic love was given with sweet notes, chocolates and flowers and cute little gifts. As a younger woman I learnt that anyone can give you gifts of good-will but it takes somebody really special to be there when you are curled up in a fetal position on the couch crying uncontrollably, it is that same someone who wants to be there for you when you have a bad day and makes your favourite dish, it's that person who makes you want to be brave and take a risk even though you're scared.
One of the many reasons I love Alan is because he does not take away my authority to make decisions for myself. I used to get worried about making choices because what if I made the wrong one? One of the things Alan has helped me learn is to trust my feelings and reasoning when it comes to making every-day choices that may affect him too because he trusts me to make those choices.
Alan and I mess up from time to time, we might piss each other off, we don't always have our shit together - but despite our flaws, true love brings out the best of us.
More soon.
- SJW. x
But nothing could have prepared me for what true love is - until I met my husband Alan.
That first night that I met Alan on a couch at a birthday party back in November 2011 - I heard a voice in my heart say that this man would be a big part in my life. I couldn't believe it then. I was dazzled by the fact that this gorgeous, down-to-earth guy had sat down a few centimetres down from me and struck up a conversation. I was really shy and unsure of myself back then, but being in Alan's presence I felt safe and happy.
Fast forward seven years and we have been through a lot of things together.
We have had fun and laughed, we've cried and mourned. We've moved through moments of uncertainty, frustration and petty annoyances and we apologise when one of us have unintentionally hurt the other. We grew in trust and faith, we've looked after each other in times of feast and famine, in health and sickness and that is how it will be for the rest of our lives.
There are still times when I growl at him to get his worn socks off the couch or he tells me not to over-think things, just to do them and we balance each other out that way.
At the beginning of our relationship we had a couple of hurdles to overcome and it took us a couple of years to effectively share our honest feelings and thoughts with each other. We tip-toed around for the first two years but as time went on and life happend, it made us honest and gave us discernment about topics to talk about and when is a more effective time to have those conversations about life. We have both made mistakes and grown from them.
As a young teenager I was under the mistaken belief that romantic love was given with sweet notes, chocolates and flowers and cute little gifts. As a younger woman I learnt that anyone can give you gifts of good-will but it takes somebody really special to be there when you are curled up in a fetal position on the couch crying uncontrollably, it is that same someone who wants to be there for you when you have a bad day and makes your favourite dish, it's that person who makes you want to be brave and take a risk even though you're scared.
One of the many reasons I love Alan is because he does not take away my authority to make decisions for myself. I used to get worried about making choices because what if I made the wrong one? One of the things Alan has helped me learn is to trust my feelings and reasoning when it comes to making every-day choices that may affect him too because he trusts me to make those choices.
Alan and I mess up from time to time, we might piss each other off, we don't always have our shit together - but despite our flaws, true love brings out the best of us.
More soon.
- SJW. x
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