The Truth

The truth can be hard to accept sometimes, so we go on with what we are doing and pretend that it doesn't exist.
But little by little, it comes out in ways that we could never see coming.
Sometimes other people close to us can see the truth clear as day, even if we do not say a word.

And when people see the truth we know we cannot hide it any longer.
There are two choices.
We own the truth and face what comes with it.

The acceptance, the consequences, the grief and move on with dignity and possibilities.
Or, we get scared and hold on fiercely to what we know, even if it's not the truth.

Both choices require courage.
The first requires strength and daring.
The second choice requires more than what you think you can give.
Both require sacrifice even as you weigh the cons and pros of each choice.

Today, a truth caught up to me.
It knocked me on my ass so I would look it in the face.
Do I have courage, strength and daring?
Or do I do what I do - knowing what I know?

- Sarah


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