Fashion Faux Pas & Pilates


Last Saturday at this time, I was getting started on eating a sea-food smorgasbord.
This Saturday finds me back in Bris-vegas, alternating between hating on my messy abode and studying. And while I am aching to see the sight of waves breaking and the smell of the sea in my nostrils. I'm going to tell you a funny story about me and my eye-brows.
And it all began at Surfer's Paradise last weekend...

A. and I were at the shopping centre on Cavill Avenue and after a lovely breakfast of banana and nutella crepe, we both decided to split and meet up again in an hour and a half. I browsed for a new dress but couldn't find one that I liked in my size. Then I walked past a tattoo parlour.
 And walked past it again.
Shyly. Tentatively. And repeated the process in the space of half an hour as I browsed in other stores.
 Each time I walked past it I hummed, hawed and chose another direction.
I have a couple of ideas for tattoos.
A feather quill with little black sparrows breaking off the top of the feather, one sparrow for each of my family. And when me and A. start to have kids, get adorable Snuggle Pot & Cuddle Pie characters which reflects the personality of each child. And a pink wild flower for Mum.
Why I haven't I done this before now? Well, I don't like pain and I don't like needles.
So that's why tattoos are on the back-burner for now - because I'm a chicken. Buk! Buk!

It would have been funny to see the look on A.'s face if I had done it. But I didn't want to get a tattoo just for the hell of it. So I walked past the beauty shop next door to the tattoo parlour and within five seconds of glancing at their prices I was caught like a fly in a spider's web.
And less than a minute later, I was ushered into a back room with a nicely presented fold-out table. The lovely lady who was in charge of my beauty treatment asked me if I wanted anything done other than an eye-lash tint - would I like an eye-brow tint to bring out the colour of my eyes?
And I answered yes, because I was on annual leave and I was living it up.
So I chose black for my eye-lashes and brown for my eye-brows.
 Note to self: In future, see how dark the tint is! What I had sweetly imagined was not quite what I got.
I stood in front of the mirror after my beauty treatment and all I could do was stare as the lady chirped. "Beautiful, beautiful!"
I really wanted to say "Oh my God! You've given me sluggy brows!"
"Thankyou." I said instead. And then I went out and bought a pair of bug-sunnies.
Looking back now I could have asked her to take some of the tint off my eye-brows - but I was in shock and if I had got my bearings and asked her to do it, then there would be no funny story to share with you. On Sunday night *Victoria called me after I had sent her a picture of my eye-brows and she assured me that the tint would take some time to calm down but it was still nicely done, it was just a stark contrast between my blonde hair and my eye-brows. I felt much better after that - because A. had laughed (on the inside) when he saw me. I would have laughed too (out loud) if the roles were reversed.

On Wednesday after five days away from the grind, I walked into work with my bug-sunnies perched on my nose and dreaded the moment where I would have to take them off.
I took them off in the break room before my shift started and my work-mates reassured me that I looked fine, great even - it was just the contrast of my blonde hair and the dark brows, like *Victoria had said.
Later that day, my boss asked me about what I had done because I looked different and I told her the  story about my 'sluggy brows' - another work mate (who wants to be known on here as Pom-Pom Glitter) had heard bits and pieces of the conversation and said "Sarah!" in a scandalised tone.
 She thought I said a very, very naughty word. And as it turned out, so had a couple of other co-workers because the corridor at my work place echoes like a fart in a cave. So I spent a couple of days assuring people that I did not say what they thought I had said, and the good news is that after six days my eye-brows have gone from 'sluggy' to fierce, like Eowyn from Lord of the Rings.

(By the way, let me just say now that Eowyn is my favourite character from Lord of the Rings because she's courageous, beautiful and kicks ass.)
Needless to say, the fierce eye-brows can stay!

And that is a true story about how my fashion faux pas became my style.


A. bought the invitations to the engagement party yesterday and very soon I'll have to start writing them up! It's crazy that our engagement party is, as of today - eleven weeks away!
Oh my gosh...I literally just looked at the calendar in my phone - that's crazy!
And ten weeks to Christmas!
Hell! The rest of the year is just melting away - and I can't wait to go shopping for Christmas presents and my engagement party dress! It feels so much closer now!


In a bid to get into the spirit of the 8 Week Fitness Challenge, I went to a Pilates class on Monday night. I used to think that Pilates and Yoga was a complete waste of time, for me at least because I couldn't sit still unless I had a key-board or a note-book infront of me. But these days I find I have three good reasons to sit, lie down, breathe deep and bend and twist myself into a human pretzel.
Mental health, fitness and good habits for the future!
And this Sunday night, I'd better get a good sleep - because Monday night is going to be a long, slow burn of aching joints and muscles! A. and I have our first boot-camp.
I'm dreading all the burpees and squats that are coming my way...

And that's it folks!
For now.

- Sarah x

Before (6 Days Ago)
Now (Eowyn Eyebrows! Yay!)


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