Unlike most of my friends who count down to those long, balmy summer days during the year, I always look forward to Winter the most.
Right now we are in Autumn, or as the Americans like to call it - Fall.
I love how the trees are myriad shades of brown, green, yellow, red and orange - all blazing and vibrant as they drift to the ground.

What do you see in your mind's eye when people talk about this time of year?
 The intoxicating smell of chimney smoke?
 Mugs of hot chocolate keeping your hands warm on a frigid morning?
 Keeping your feet warm with woolly socks with quirky patterns?
 Perhaps the seasonal cold and flu?
Well, apart from those other things - I see Fall as a season of change.

I think the Americans had it right when they came up with Fall for Autumn!
 What Fall means to me this year is savouring moments and having the courage to do new things outside my comfortable sphere of ordinary.
Seize the day! Carpe diem!
And most importantly, when I think about Fall - the leaves falling to the ground are dead.
 You don't see a tree reach down and pick up old leaves when Spring comes, instead the tree grows new branches and leaves. By the time Spring rolls around this year, I want to be a whole new tree.
Strong and supple with new, vibrant and sweet flowers!
There are extraordinary and wonderful times ahead - I have some really exciting news to share with you by the end of this week! Watch this space!


When I was young, I didn't realise that love was supposed to be peaceful and that is what I found with A. Everyday is different and brings its hurdles, but he makes me happy - not every minute, but everyday and that's the way it should be.


Cleaning the shower is not something a girl will schedule into her everyday calendar.
 (Not this girl anyway!) I don't know about you - but cleaning the shower is stored at the back of my brain in a file marked with the heading 'miscellaneous', somewhere between 'buy more batteries' and
'sort the First Aid Kit''. It's something random, spontaneous and 'if I have time' and for me, that time was 11:00pm at night - if I can't sleep, I might as well invest that energy in something productive but doesn't involve much thinking and lots of elbow grease!
As yours truly cleaned the soap scum off the shower tiles, she was reflecting on the meaning of fall - how it is a time of letting go and making plans for the season to come.
Right now I can't see anything beyond the next four weeks, but let's just say I know exactly where I will be in two weeks time! ;)


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