Twenty-Fourteen Mid-Year Check-In

How are those 2014 goals coming?
Have you shaken off the blues from 2013?
I like to think that I am heading back into the middle of the axis again after tottering to the edges.
What last year taught me was that I didn't know everything and I never will, that I was stronger than I had originally thought and to take better care of my mind, body and soul. Most of all, it drew me closer to God than I ever thought I could possibly get to him.
What I learnt about God personally was that he loved me more than I could fathom, that when bad things happen it is not him punishing and condemning me for past sins.
Through my own mistakes and vices with a slight shove from Lucifer - I fell down into a rabbit hole   of anxiety, depression and second-guessing how the people I loved really felt about me.
Fortunately for me, God saw what was really in my heart and healed my spirit first, then my mind. 

Although its been hard for me and my partner, A. I know people who have come through darker times and their testimonies inspire and motivate me to become a better person.
One year later, I like to think that I have come a long way from the woman that I was.
She was funny, bubbly and full of life and energy (and very, very loud).
But the woman I am today makes me proud, not in the overly-confident way - more like self-acceptance and love, which is a good thing because I am my worst critic.

My goals for 2013 were put to the side, if there is anything I have learnt about new years goals is that I don't usually walk away with every box ticked.
For 2014 I decided to simplify things a little more.
This year my goals are:
1. Being confident in my choices.
2. Believing in the best of me.
3. Have a healthy mind and body.
4. Have a job.
5. Have an offer of publication for a book.
6. Let A., my family and friends know how much I love them.
7. Get my drivers license. 

On June the 1st I took one look at the calendar and could not believe that we are six months through the year! Wow! It is definitely scary (but nonetheless exciting) to see what the next six months bring!
Before I leave you today, I want to tell you about a new goal of mine for 2014.
I have dubbed it "Size 12 on September 1st challenge", I decided wholly on this after speaking with my cousin at a family barbeque over the weekend.
My cousin is absolutely gorgeous and although she has always been slender (with the exception of being pregnant twice with two of the cutest children on earth) she still has some lovely feminine curves and when I asked her how she kept in shape while running around after two kids, she was happy to tell me that there was no big whoop-dee-doo, yo-yo diet secret to thank for her figure!
My cousin simply follows the food pyramid to the letter; less sugar, moderate carbs and lots of fruit, vegetables, nuts and fish.
I have been following her advice for a week and it is has been amazing! I feel a big change in my body - I don't feel weighed down and have a lot of energy, when my head makes contact with my pillow it doesn't take me so long for my brain and body to switch off.
Although shredding eight dress sizes within three months is ambitious, I intend to get as close to that goal as possible and I can't wait to see what I look like after three weeks!

My intention is to lose two kilos a week by sticking to this eating and exercise regime.
After I wake up in the morning 15-30 minutes of power walking.
Breakfast: Eggs/ Two pieces of toast/Cereal/Oatmeal with a piece of fruit.
Brain Food: Fruit & cheese (to be taken at 9:30-10am so I don't eat junk food at lunch)
Lunch: Soup or last nights left-overs
Afternoon Tea: Nuts/Crackers w/dip or yoghurt.
Dinner: Anything - as long as it has vegetables on the side.

Friday night: 1 chocolate bar.
Saturday night: 1 sml dessert of my choice.

To make up for all the awesome junk food I'll be missing out on, I have devised a weight loss awards sheet for every mile stone.

Size 18 - Boots.
Size 16 - Hair cut and new cosmetics.
Size 14 - Belly button piercing.
Size 12 - Shopping spree.
Size 10 - A tattoo.

So good luck with completing your 2014 goals!
See you next time.

- Sarah x


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