
Showing posts from January, 2014

Leviticus Vs. Jesus

Welcome to a new week everyone! My goal for the week is to enjoy the seven day trial at the gym, stock up on fruit and make a lot of smoothies and at least get an interview for a job and hopefully get one. The first thing I want to do is get something off my chest that I have been thinking very hard about. This is a very controversial subject in light of my beliefs as a Christian. Last week I read an article in an out-dated  magazine called "The Rolling Stone" which enraged me, simply because prestigious Christian  high schools across America are subjecting their homosexual and bi-sexual students to degrading treatment by isolating them from their peers and not allowing them to participate in extra-curricular activities and banning them from key school events if the students decided to stay rather than attend another school. This awful, cutting treatment results with the teens having feelings of worthlessness which leads to self-harm or suicide. As a ...

The Promises of God

I have had a pretty boring week, just job-searching and watching Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman and My Little Pony. 10am is my favourite time of day because I watch 7th Heaven. For those of you who follow my blog and are wondering about what happened to my Study or Work Ultimatum by the 21st of January, I have decided to find work. I am hoping to find kitchen-hand or a waitressing job and work my way up to barista and eventually management. As I tell A. every week, I say that I hope to find work but for some reason it just isn't happening. As a Christian I know that my future is set and my days are planned, that I can ask God for the desires of my heart and it will be given to me if I keep asking, keep knocking and  have faith. While God has been so good with giving me a supportive network it just feels a little discouraging to have no answer the moment when I need one. To some extent all of us are waiting for the desires of our hearts to come to pass. Despite this feeling of frustr...

Different Angles

Life is a point of view and everyday we stand at a different angle, it's kind of like being in a movie theatre. When you sit in the front seat you are close to the action which can be exciting but at the end of it you have a sore spine and a crick in your neck. There are other times when our point of view is obstructed by something which blocks our full vision of the screen. Sometimes we are sitting on the side-lines and can see everything perfectly but we are either too content or just plain scared to move out into the centre because everybody will see us. Everybody has a reason for being where they prefer to sit, but I reckon we can all agree that there are times when we want to change our angles, but we don't know how to shift our perspective of the situation that is stopping us or maybe there are beliefs we have about ourselves that hold us back from being the person we want to be and these beliefs become excuses, which we justify for why we cannot do it. I'll use t...

Why Should I Forgive?

It is a truth universally acknowledged that people are going to piss you off. From rude strangers, co-workers who rub you the wrong way, family who interfere and so- friends and people that you go to any lengths to avoid, no matter how inconvenient. We have all felt the bitterness and anger when people treat us badly and there is that ingrained primitive urge to hurt them as badly as they have hurt us, so they can see what they have done through our eyes. There is an old saying that "Revenge is a best dish served hot." but what nobody tells you is that you have to eat it! In the book of Esther when Haman had started a vendetta to wipe out the Jews, he wanted revenge on this palace scribe called Mordecai and he was hell-bent on destroying Mordecai and the Jews that before the decree to kill all the Jews had passed he built a gallows for Mordecai. When the King found out that this new law would kill his beloved bride and her people; the King ordered Haman to be ...

About Love

If there was a television show called The Boyfriend Lottery, I know that A. would win hands-down and if there was a television show called My Amazing Girlfriend, I know he'd enter my name. But of course, we are completely bias when it comes to each other. In four days time we will be celebrating our second year anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend. I love anniversaries because they mark another year of life, when you first got together, engagements, weddings - but there are anniversaries which remind us of struggle, deaths and other things we don't particularly want to remember and this year was a combination of both but we are at the second check-point and that is the most important thing. Both A. and I have grown so much during the year as a couple, mentally and emotionally - when you live together you learn to read facial and body language to see if you can dig each other's moods and you learn how...

Dreams & Reality

Dreaming can happen anywhere, any time. Whether it is 3am in the morning or on the bus going to school, tafe and work. I never stopped dreaming. It was more than once that a favourite teacher of mine would see me staring vacantly into space and cut into my day-dreams by saying. "Hmmmm, having a little dream are we? Let's get back to work." But I have learned that dreaming isn't enough, you have to give this dream nourishment, love, time and patience. Most importantly, you have to give it the best of everything you can - this is commitment is what I pour into my writing. My dream was to have it all when I was a teenager. I was going to publish my first book in Grade 12 and become an overnight success and be rich and buy a family estate in the farming district and just keep writing full-time and being a great Mum, my other dreams consisted of having a big family and being married to a man who would love and cherish me for the rest of his life. None of that has hap...

Faith & Hope

Sometimes everything you believe in rides on these two words. Faith & Hope. It is easy to lose sight of both them when we are faced with the bitterness of disappointment, rejection and despair. In the past six months I have learned a lot about these two words, when faced with my own personal demons which are anxiousness,self-doubt and being afraid of the worst that could happen. For awhile I wondered what I would do now that I had left the childcare industry - wouldn't it have made sense to go back and give it one more shot? I admit it would have, sometimes I have dreams that I am back at my old work place like nothing happened. As much as I loved my work-mates and the children, something stopped me. It was a combination of anxiousness, self-doubt and being afraid - but there was something else, I wanted to do something new with my life, I just didn't know what. At first I thought about going to Bible School through my church and seeing where that would lead, I love...