Just Sayin'....


I am absolutely loving the weather we've had the past few weeks, the consistent rain and the cheeky wind that makes you wish you didn't wear that dress with no leggings!
I need a new pair of jeans because my only pair are a tad baggy - A. has kindly offered to buy me a new pair but I told him there are just some things a woman should do on her own - there's no need for both of us to suffer. I hate jeans shopping - how you get pairs that fit one thigh, or emphasize your muffin top or fit over your hips but don't zip up, or even worse, gives you a camel-toe.
You also have to be in the right mood to shop for jeans - optimistic and cheerful and with the right company. You know how you get awesome shopping buddies that wait for you while you try stuff on and you get other people who just whiz through the shop and make a bee-line for exit and you're there like 'What's their hurry?" Retail shopping is like a creamy chocolate mousse, you can't rush it or you'll feel sick afterward. 


A. and I had our 4.5 year anniversary last weekend. There wasn't any fuss though because we've had other things to think about. But on the whole, we're doing well. It's funny how I look back when we first started dating, we had a glorious honey-moon period and I had a very idealistic mind-set - the kind where you only concentrate on the great stuff you'll do together - but 4.5 a half years later, I'm glad that I didn't get my way straight away. I was young and in love and what's more, I knew in my heart that A. and I were meant to be together - and because I was certain of that, I started thinking about the kind of things I have always dreamed of when I found the right bloke - get married, buy a house, travel, kids. I wanted it all straight away with no thought to how A. and I would deal with unemployment, mental illness and financial difficulty - as far as I was concerned, the sun was shining on Sarah Land because I'd finally found a love for keeps! La-dee-da-dee-da!
But like I said, I'm glad it didn't happen like the way I imagined it - because real love surpasses anything we see on the silver screen or what we imagine ourselves. It tests our boundaries and makes us courageous, selfless and strong. One of these days I'll marry A. knowing that I have done all of these things and vice versa. And it'll be like buying out the confectionary section at Myers or South Brisbane having an unexpected snow-fall. Or having a peanut butter and jam sandwich...I haven't had one in two months! But anyway, you get the picture. Good things come to those who wait and all that jazz....


 My long-suffering personal trainer has given me home-work this week. No chocolate whatsoever and to come in everyday to go on the step-machine. I am a horrible, horrible person - because I love chocolate so much....same thing with my Childcare Services Diploma. I have yet to resubmit my Work Within A Legal & Ethical Frame-work. I'm going to basically chain myself to my office chair to get this module done with the assistance of caffeine!
This weekend *Cassandra comes home and she's bringing Olly, the family dog with her. She'll drive in around mid-night but I'll be asleep on the other side of town. I can't wait to see her - because even though we have family dinners it doesn't feel the same without her there. I have always prided myself on being family orientated but the past six months have made me see how blessed I am to belong to them and miss them when they aren't around. There are the stories that make us remember, funny stories, sad stories that have moulded us and made us who we are - and we like to tell them to each other - to remind ourselves that once upon a time we all lived together in a big house with flamingo pink balcony railings that were definitely not government standard. But I like who we are today; we are strong and brave and say things like 'Wanky golf trousers' and "Oh my God! I love this song!'
and Mum and Dad say they don't like swearing but their mouths do that twitchy thing that disapproving parents do when they are really amused. Shhhhhh! I think they secretly like our swearing!
I'd better put a penny in the swear jar and call it a night. Big day, big plans, big weekend, big life.

- Sarah xx


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