Moving Foward

Moving forward can take many forms. You can be moving forward in a new relationship, walking away from one in order to move forward, or moving forward in a new city or career, or maybe you are just moving forward with a renewed mind-set that will spring-board you into a new way of living or a new life.

This can be exciting, overwhelming and just a tad insane - it's like walking outside on a windy day first thing without your morning coffee. Sometimes life happens all at once and it can be hard to catch your breath, you might be panicking a little because it is something so new and different. Moving forward can be bittersweet because while a new adventure awaits, you have to make a conscious decision to leave where you are in terms of physical or emotional state.
You may also be trying to move forward in the present in terms of excelling in different areas of your life and searching for meaningful ways to be happy and fulfilled.

Almost two years ago, I was in what seemed like a perpetually anxious state of mind - I felt like a failure and because the universe has a sense of humor, it sent me situations where I failed - and I felt like I was failing across the board in many areas of my life. Because that was what I was focused on.
When I hit rock bottom, I knew that I had to take control of my life again and consciously decided that rather than focusing on failure, I would focus on happiness.

First I focused on what made me happy, then I began to attract more happiness into my life.
My emotional well-being improved and then the universe sent me happier moments, events and new people to enjoy happiness with.

Fast forward almost eighteen months and I am still happy to contemplate happiness and life feels good. There are ups and downs, challenges but through it all, I have been happy and am excited about what 2019 will bring me and my husband.

Now when I look back on that time in my life that I perceived myself as a failure, I learnt a few things that helped me to succeed in moving forward from where I was emotionally, mentally and financially.

1) Sometimes what we perceive to be our failures will reveal the strength in us or a new idea. Some of the worlds greatest inventors made a mistake but then found a need that could be filled with it. Which only goes to show some things are stupidity, others are serendipity.

2) Everybody does the best they can and even those who strive for perfection don't always have their shit together. Then again, beautiful things can grow from shit.
Flowers are living proof of that.

3) Choosing to be happy, therefore inviting happiness into our lives - despite set-backs and disappointments - can help doors to open. Maybe it is a door you have been trying to find the right key for or perhaps while trying to open one door, another door opened behind you. Some doors swing open and hit you on your arse if the universe is desperately trying to get your attention!

And so, my loves - without you even realizing it right now, you are moving forward. Time never stops. But it is what we choose to do with that time which will determine who we choose to become, by choice or default.

Moving forward does not always  mean taking big leaps - it is a matter of shifting your perspective, acknowledging where you are and who you would like to be in the short and long term; I have found that when I am concentrating on who I am, the 'what', 'when', 'how' and 'why' soon come into play and that is when I begin to feel the change of moving forward.

If you're feeling a little left behind as we all tend to do sometimes -
just know that it won't last.
Keep shining like you do, be happy with who you are, do your best each day in every moment and before you know it, you'll be able to see yourself

- Sarah xx


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