The Fireside Wife: The Fire Within

I believe that there is a fire in all of us. A fire that burns brightly when we fuel it with good things.
Wisdom, joy and peace.
Without those things, we find it hard to stand strong when faced with our day-to-day struggles and the challenges we may face.
Last year my inner fire was flickering down to a burning ember.

I was stressed over things that did not matter, I was afraid of failure, I sought approval from people who praised me one minute and then devalued me the next, in private and in company.

This year I took a giant step back and left those things behind.
I ponder over things that will be productive, I embrace failure and beyond general courtesy, I stopped thinking about the feelings of those who did not value mine.

It has been a very liberating experience, one that has helped me to rebuild myself, love myself and trust myself fully.

Around this time last year, I went over to visit Jess. I don't remember now what we were talking about, but it had something to do with who we wanted to be and how we would show that to the world.
I stood up and reached my arms towards Heaven and said.
"This is me!"
The energy in the room zapped and a ripple of realisation went through me. I had just taken the first step of taking back my power and rekindling that fire within which had been smothered by my doubts and fears.

I have come a long way since last year and the only place I am moving to is forward.

For those of you who are feeling burnt out, this is a couple of things I want you to know.

1) You matter. The way you feel about things matters.

2) Take some time for yourself. It's okay to say no and re-connect with your soul and do an inventory of what and who is taking up your time and whether those things and people bring you joy.

3) Be honest about where you're at. Those who understand will stay and they are the people you want in your life and inner circle.

4) Talk to yourself the way you would want a friend to talk to you.

These very simple small changes I made have helped me and I hope they will help you to rekindle those dancing, leaping flames that are still in your heart.
A favourite quote of mine is:
"Its okay to burn out, as long as you come back as the whole fire."
Another quote is: "Do what sets your heart on fire."

Find the fire within and let it burn hot and bright.

- Sarah x


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