Finding My Place

"I know my place, it is time you learned yours." These are the words that Mulan's father told her, they were said with frustration, anger and bitterness and perceivably to me, a little sexist.
But those words drove Mulan to find her place, she followed her heart to the battle field to fight in the place of her father and miraculously came home. She challenged herself to become someone people constantly told her she could not be. A kick-arse warrior and a woman.
When she came home as a decorated war hero she presented her father with the medallion from the emperor and the sword of the man who had tried to kill him. Her father looked at her with such love and said "The greatest honour is to have you as a daugther."
From that moment on, Mulan did not doubt where she belonged. She belonged at home with her family and by following her own path, she found her place and herself.

All of us long to belong somewhere. Whether its in a social setting or a working one, we have a strong desire and need to belong where we are at that moment in time.
Sometimes where we want to belong is not good for us and this is something I have learnt the hard way a couple of times. Either my time of belonging to that place or group is over and it's hard to let go and be like "Okay, Sarah. That was fun but let's see what is over the horizon over there."
But I would still want in and I remember feeling insecure and angry about being left out of what that group was doing without me.
These last twelve months have taught me some lessons about where I belong.

I belong with people who see me as I see them. With love, respect and admiration.
I belong in a place where I am welcomed regardless of how many times I walk through the door.
I belong in a community where everyone is treated the same, with kindness, compassion and truth.
Most of all, I belong to myself.

There is a truth that I want to bring home to you. If there are people in your life who do not treat you with respect and love, who make you feel unwelcome and don't make you feel like you belong. You have a duty to yourself to walk away instead of trying to be in places with people you don't belong with. Whatever love you have left for those people, give it back to yourself - you'll feel better for it. Because that love is going to help you stay true to yourself, you love and value yourself so much that you won't want to hang around people who don't.
Because life is too short for that B.S.

- Sarah x


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