Creative Realisations & Dessert Disaster
LIFE While I was reading "Big Magic" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I was absolutely blown away by it, swept up in the magic, the wonder of creativity and the plain honesty. As I was reading it I realised that I had been making excuses for not being creative. My favourite excuse was that I do not have room in my humble two-bedroom unit - the day I finished reading the book I went and bought a set of twelve small tubes of paint and have dabbled a little bit. Magic came forth, colours blended and merged. What I learnt out of reading Big Magic was that I apologise way too much - sometimes when I know I have messed up and the rest of the time just out of habit. It's time to kick sorry in the balls. For a long time I believed that a successful writer was a famous one, for the past couple of years I have been starting and then abandoning projects because just when it starts to look good I ask myself 'Is it perfect?' or 'Will it get published?' and then I become ...