Contention & My Korean Obsession


I am at a point in my life where I am content.
I have a man to kiss hello every morning, I have a job where I am valued (even though most of the time I feel like I'm going crazy) and in between that I'm Netflixing, Pinteresting and cheating myself out of a trim waist-line. I have been writing in a food diary the past fortnight and today I got marked on my food choices for the past week. 13/35. And those scales are reading 98.3.
I really don't know what to say, except that the horns keep the halo from getting lopsided!
Today I feel pretty happy, I submitted my Care For Babies module after a good three months.
Slowly but surely, I got there. But my aim this year is to be faster to understand the content and what is required of me sooner. Something I have learnt that works for me to study is going onto youtube and listening to waterfalls or heavy rain - it filters out the white noise in my head and the sound of it makes me relax and focus solely on what is in front of me.  This is my life for the moment - focusing on work, study and the wedding. And I'm happy with that because I used to worry about a lot of things. At night I would lie awake thinking about the stuff that I didn't have.
I used to obsess over whether or not I could have kids naturally, because being a Mum is always something that has been on my heart. Even when I was an innocent eight year old watching The Sound Of Music for the first time, I thought "I want seven kids! We could sing and dance together all the time!" After going into outside school hours care for a casual job at the age of 18, I re-evaluated. "Maybe four would be better, a nice even number."
Now after being in childcare for a few years, I can now say that my bench-mark would be two - what the British call an Heir & A Spare. Maybe it's because I've had one too many a kid scream in my ear during morning drop-off. I still get pretty clucky when I work with the babies in nursery but at this time, I'm glad that I didn't get that particular wish too soon with everything that is coming up.


Serendipity. It brings us to places and people. Tonight it was a cat.
How it happened was I had started cooking dinner at 6:30pm, at 7:00pm I realised that the kangaroo mince smelled funky. A. and I looked at each other and said. "Subway!"
A. sprang for the $10 for 2 wrap deal. Feeling full and satisfied, we walked back home; enjoying the cool summer air and laughing about something funny I had said this morning. Then I said.
"I have an idea, let's a dog or cat and call it Murphy!"
"Murphy?" A. asked sceptically.
"Yeah! Just imagine how funny I will sound calling out his name in a bad British accent!"
"Not Murphy." A. asserts and the subject is dropped. Five minutes later we reach home, we're walking across the driveway when I see a cat - barely visible at the top of a grey brick wall.
"Look at that! Isn't it beautiful?" I ask A.
We spend an hour with the cat and I find myself wanting to keep it. He's a beautiful long-haired grey cat and purrs huskily when he's being patted. "How about we let it sleep over?" I ask A. who shakes his head. "We're not allowed." This is true - our rental property prohibits pets.
Damn discrimination if you ask me...
"So? One night won't hurt." I reply as I scratch the cat on his chin, he purrs appreciatively and nuzzles against my palm. I'm a bit of rebel - always have been, always will be.
A. takes a picture of the cat and posts it on suburban notice website, we were about to call RSPCA when the cat disappears.
"Must have gone home." I say to A.
"Yeah." He answers. We're both a bit disappointed that the cat didn't stay but we hope that wherever he went tonight after visiting us - that he has a human who loves him.
His very brief appearance in our lives made us realise that we were both ready (emotionally) for a fur-baby. That's on our list of things to do this year. I didn't think I would ever want a cat again after what happened to Snuggles - a hit and run on a main road. I was seventeen at the time.
I used to think it was my fault that Snuggles got hit by a car. But tonight while I was patting this random cat, I realised that it's in a cat's nature to roam freely. And that was when I realised that there was still room in my heart for another cat. A fur-baby for me and A!


Shortly after high school I went to an anime convention with a friend and fell in love with Japanese manga and that re-opened my childhood obsession with Sailor Moon. I had a short pink leopard patterned dress and I wore a black tutu underneath and I wore black ankle boots with it as well because I thought it looked anime. Since then I have branched out into Taiwanese and Korean dramas - my favourite Korean drama is Playful Kiss, a story about a high school girl who likes this guy and writes him a love letter - he rejects her and in an odd twist she ends up moving in with him and his family and spends the best part of two years trying to win him over and basically - he's an asshole with few redeemable qualities - but mostly he's an asshole.
The reason why I like Korean drama is because its light-hearted, laugh out loud funny with quirky, strong characters. I have also learnt a few key phrases in Korean.

Annyeonhaseyo - Formal hello.
Anneyong - Good bye.
Ani - No.
Yeogiwa - Come here.

Fun fact: In English slang, the term "emo" refers to an emotionally unstable person.
In Korean, "Emo" means Auntie on the mother's side!
 So I guess when my sisters have kids and I still have this Korean obsession - they will call me Emo Sarah!
So that is something else I will be doing this year - learning to speak Korean.

I wish I could write more but it's 10:46pm and I have an early start; I hope that the milk delivery to work beats me tomorrow. On days that end in Y, a cup of Nestle instant coffee makes early mornings do-able!

Annyeonghi jumuseyo!
(Good night!)

- Sarah x


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