Fashion Faux Pas & Pilates

LIFE Last Saturday at this time, I was getting started on eating a sea-food smorgasbord. This Saturday finds me back in Bris-vegas, alternating between hating on my messy abode and studying. And while I am aching to see the sight of waves breaking and the smell of the sea in my nostrils. I'm going to tell you a funny story about me and my eye-brows. And it all began at Surfer's Paradise last weekend... A. and I were at the shopping centre on Cavill Avenue and after a lovely breakfast of banana and nutella crepe, we both decided to split and meet up again in an hour and a half. I browsed for a new dress but couldn't find one that I liked in my size. Then I walked past a tattoo parlour. And walked past it again. Shyly. Tentatively. And repeated the process in the space of half an hour as I browsed in other stores. Each time I walked past it I hummed, hawed and chose another direction. I have a couple of ideas for tattoos. A feather quill with little blac...