
Showing posts from June, 2014

Awesome News!

Blog Monsters! Remember yesterday when I said that I wanted to find work before studying? A few blogs ago I mentioned something about registering with a childcare relief agency but the only glitch was waiting on my Blue Card? It's crazy! My Blue Card came in last week and then BAM! I heard from the company asking me if I was still interested in working with them - naturally, the answer was YES! So now I have my Blue Card, a job which will hopefully produce a steady cash-flow and this morning I enrolled into a childcare diploma course online! Who would have thought that enrolling into a course would make me snap into cleaning mode? Then again, I'm not surprised - I used to be incredibly messy and disorganised before I studied my certificate III in Children's Services and within one week, BOOM! I was tidy and more organised. Any how, I just wanted to share my great news and I hope you are all having a great week! Before I leave you to your devices, agendas and inner...

The Little Things That Make Life BIG

I am feeling really good these days, with a smile on my face and a spring in my step. I feel confident and my passion is back and in full-speed ahead mode. I know that I am halfway between where I'm at and where I want to be. I don't know what got into me but I have this new found zeal and wanting to do something with my life which is really meaningful. Becoming more involved in children's ministry in my church seems like a great way to start, making the change from monthly to weekly and with the new church being ready in a few weeks time; it is the perfect season to throw myself back into the things that I loved to do before getting sick last year. Except this time, I'm one year older, a little wiser and know my limits. Enrolling into an online course at Southbank Institute of Technology also seems like another natural step to take but first I need to start working again.  I am a little less stressed about finding work now that A. and I have decided not to jum...

Twenty-Fourteen Mid-Year Check-In

How are those 2014 goals coming? Have you shaken off the blues from 2013? I like to think that I am heading back into the middle of the axis again after tottering to the edges. What last year taught me was that I didn't know everything and I never will, that I was stronger than I had originally thought and to take better care of my mind, body and soul. Most of all, it drew me closer to God than I ever thought I could possibly get to him. What I learnt about God personally was that he loved me more than I could fathom, that when bad things happen it is not him punishing and condemning me for past sins. Through my own mistakes and vices with a slight shove from Lucifer - I fell down into a rabbit hole   of anxiety, depression and second-guessing how the people I loved really felt about me. Fortunately for me, God saw what was really in my heart and healed my spirit first, then my mind.  Although its been hard for me and my partner, A. I know people who hav...

6 Months & Counting

Hello all! Wow! I cannot believe that we are six months into the year - where did the time go? The job front is activated but unfortunately I am still waiting for my blue card. (sigh) Good things come to those who wait, yeah? Although I have two guaranteed positions through a child care relief agency, myself and my job search marketer have been putting in a lot of effort in order to get me back into work in a more consistent position. I have started driving lessons again, yesterday was my fifth lesson and I am happy to say that I am making good progress. My driving overall is excellent, but in order to sit for my test I need to perfect my lane-changing technique because I have this habit of looking too long in the mirror before changing lanes and accidentally moving the car in the direction that I'm looking, I need to be able to use the gears with finesse and master single and double-lane islands because I nearly collided with a small, silver car that was hiding behind a...