Awesome News!
Blog Monsters! Remember yesterday when I said that I wanted to find work before studying? A few blogs ago I mentioned something about registering with a childcare relief agency but the only glitch was waiting on my Blue Card? It's crazy! My Blue Card came in last week and then BAM! I heard from the company asking me if I was still interested in working with them - naturally, the answer was YES! So now I have my Blue Card, a job which will hopefully produce a steady cash-flow and this morning I enrolled into a childcare diploma course online! Who would have thought that enrolling into a course would make me snap into cleaning mode? Then again, I'm not surprised - I used to be incredibly messy and disorganised before I studied my certificate III in Children's Services and within one week, BOOM! I was tidy and more organised. Any how, I just wanted to share my great news and I hope you are all having a great week! Before I leave you to your devices, agendas and inner...