The Dreams We Never Knew About

When you have a birthday mile-stone, it gets you thinking more than you normally do. You think about the things you have been too scared to do, you think about the over-seas travel you have not done, you think about whether you want to relocate, travel or stay where you are and put down roots. Of course, timing is everything. And whether you have the moula and moxy to do it. Then you think about the dreams you have accomplished. When I was twenty I had a loooooong list of dreams I had for my life. There is one dream on that list that I still have not accomplished - to be a writer. In my heart I know this is possible - because impossible things happen every day. Then there is a reasonable voice in my head saying that there is every chance it can happen and every chance that it won't. Still, I wanted this to happen so badly since I realised the joy writing brought to me. At times I got depressed and it was painful for me to walk into a book shop and be happy for the authors who had books on the shelves. It was not until I read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert, that I began to realize that it will happen - it is just a matter of when. It could be when I am thirty, or thirty-five, forty or forty-five, fifty or... You get the idea, you cannot put an age bracket on your dreams. Rather than the dreams that I knew I wanted, looking back now I am beginning to see the dreams that I never knew about until they began to show themselves to me. The four dreams I never knew I wanted were. 1) Falling in love with myself. Loving who I am and what I'm about. 2) Having my family close. 3) Travelling to lands near and far with the love of my life and best friend. 4) Having warm and reciprocal friendships that make me feel happy, empowered and loved. Those were the dreams I never knew about. I feel like I have turned a corner in the realization that dreams need substance by way of something not materialistic but rather a treasure that you carry in your heart. And when you realise those dreams, it helps you attract the dreams that you conciously desire. Because you feel good being you and it will resonate throughout all areas of your life. Also, today I re-arranged my inspiration board. I want so much out of my life that I plastered so many things onto it and what I did not know was that underneath a cut-out of two women dancing and looking so happy was a dream of mine I didn't know I had that had recently come into existence. It was a picture of flowers and scissors and when I saw its relevance I found myself struck in awe. About a month ago I made a flower crown just for fun and then I wore it out on the town. I had three positive compliments from lovely randoms and thought that I would make them as gifts for friends and that was how Wild Hana was born, simply with friends who loved what I had created and wanted to share that with their loved ones. And that was when I realised that something had been born out of my creativity and I got busy. Fast forward six weeks and things are beginning to roll. I have started a business creating flower crowns. And I am so excited about the things to come! This was a dream I did not know about. And I cannot wait to see how this dream unfolds and brings new opportunities. Dear Reader,I hope that you know that there are so many dreams that you never knew you had. I hope that upon realising them, that you chase them with the faith and wonder of a child and the wisdom life has brought to you. Love, Sarah x


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