Inner Warrior: Battle Cry
So far I have participated in six martial arts classes. I have noticed that things are becoming more familiar, after being leg-swept I am faster at gaining my footing and some manuovres are becoming more natural and fluid. For people who are just starting out like myself and feel uncertain, something I learnt last lesson is the value of a good battle cry.
For me I found that it helped me remember what I needed to do as well as boosting my confidence.
Think Lagertha from Vikings when she
fights, she's strong, pissed off and indomitable, a warrior queen who will fight for her people, her family and friends. I like to think I looked a bit like her.
A battle cry also helps me remember what manoevers need to be done, sometimes with so much to learn I forget what I was about to do because fear of doing the wrong move clouds my mind and it's yelling at me:
"You can't do this!"
"Why don't you go and have a break? A permanent break."
"That would be too easy." I told it firmly and somewhere in my spirit, the inner warrior scowls at such suggestions and orders me to stand my ground.
Even when the manuovres are like a wave, one after the other and I don't know what I'm doing, even when I am tired, a battle cry worthy of the obstacle can help me overcome it.
Whatever battle you are facing today, stare it down, do a battle cry worthy of Lagertha, kick it's arse and smile because you are a champion!
- Sarah x
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