Crazy Magic

"I have an awesome/crazy idea that might work." I used to say - a lot.
 Some of those ideas were a little crazy - but some of them worked out pretty well.
Behind every crazy idea, there is a flourish of creativity and genius.
Now, let me be clear - there is good crazy and bad crazy.
It's just good crazy fun here, folks. With a sprinkle of magic!

Now most people would think that building a theme park only a handful of years after the Great Depression ended was not just a crazy idea - but insane! Construction for Disneyland began in 1954 and was opened one year and one day later on July 17th. It was an incredible and ambitious project that would have been an intimidating undertaking, costing a whopping 17 million.
 But there was something very special about the man behind it, Walt Disney knew that people needed somewhere fun to bond with family and friends. That sometimes adults wanted to play and experience joy and wonder like children. He had a crazy idea with an clear vision of what he wanted to accomplish. Fast forward many years later, Walt Disney is not just the name of a man, but the name of an empire with theme parks around the world, movies and books.

Walt Disney's legacy is a testimony that our own crazy/awesome ideas can become reality with the potential for success and wealth.

In the Bible it says that the recipe for us to obtain the desires of our hearts is to pray, ask and believe.

Matthew 7.7: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Last June I read Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic and if I had to choose my most favourite part of that book, it was reading about how a teenage Elizabeth Gilbert was so set on becoming a writer when she grew up, that she created a ritual with lot candles and wrote down her intentions reverently surrounded by lit candles.
Sure enough, her wish came true! (Lucky us!)

When I was a kid, a little bit of crazy magic happend to me. One year I remember watching *Cassandra and *Victoria receive trophies at the end of year school-awards night and felt sad that I did not get any. So that night I made a wish that the following year, I would earn a trophy of my own. I didn't know how I would do it as my gifts are more of a creative bent than academic - but somehow the following year, I received an award. Its made out of a shiny bubbled plastic that looks like glass to a kid who hadn't had a reward before.
So what I remember during that year was that I did a helluva lot of believing, praying and I aimed to do my best work.
I also had this secret belief that my Grandaddy Box was watching over me and whenever the wind blew, that he was there with me helping me along.
Call it cheesy but thats what I believed as a child - and I believe it still. They don't say "have faith like a child" for nothing!

When I was 17 I found my first job, I just didn't know it yet. Then when I realised I had found it I chased after it. I volunteered, worked hard and spoke it out into the universe. I was relentlessly focused on this belief that I was meant kick-start my career there. I loved the place and what it stood for. A year and four months later, I had that job.
My boss gave me a shirt and said.
"I should have done this before."
It was a year full of fuck-ups, growth and laughs.

So the thing about "crazy magic", it is hands-down-out-of-this-galaxy-insane! Do not limit yourself to what you see in front of you because you are powerful and can draw your thoughts, dreams and desires to you; so long as your intentions for aquiring them are from a heart-space of love for yourself and others.

Use your crazy-magic to build a life that reflects who you are and let that magic become apart of your journey.
In 2017 after a crappy day I asked out loud. "What else is there?"
And slowly, the universe began to show me there is more - can be more - if you consciously allow more to be.

Have fun with your crazy-magic, be mindful of what you choose to bring into existence with your thoughts.

- Sarah xx


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