Back To The Roots


Every moment becomes a memory.
 Which is why I try to make every waking moment a good one. But at the end of the day, I'm human.

This season I have felt that its time to get serious about doing the things I have been putting off and making time to do them.
I think the reason why I have become more driven is because I want to enroll in a writing and editing course - I wish I had done it straight after highschool, but the flip-side is I have more life experience to put into it. Another reason is I'll be married in ten months time - I want to start this new chapter in my life - if there is a time to make things right, it's now.


A. and I have both been busy, carving out a future for ourselves in a world that doesn't stop except when we look at each other.
I'm counting down the months (impatiently) for the wedding and life is good.


A. was in Sydney last weekend so I hung out at Mum and Dad's. I don't see them as much as I'd like to but this is something else I am focusing more on this year. On Saturday morning Mum and I lay back and cloud-watched, reminincing about my childhood and teenage years. "You were doing so many weird things!" She told me with a chuckle. I couldn't argue with that.
As sweet and quiet as I could be, I could be moody or argumentive - my fashion inspiration was punk rock for the first couple of years, dramatic and rebellious... and then there was this wanna-be gypsy stage that I am still trying to delete from my memory drive. Sometimes I wish I had the know-how I have now back in highschool.
But the thing is, I can't regret any choice I made that got me here. And I don't because of the people I have met and the experiences that I've had have shaped me into who I am today. Spending quality time with my family always brings out the best in me. It makes me remember where I came from and what I want to give my family.
 My parents are loyal, faithful and constant - with us girls and eachother - no matter what - and I'm blessed that I grew up with that. I now understand, hypothetically, why people call their heritage a 'family tree'.
The foundation of who we are is in the roots of the tree and each family member is a branch, some branches reach towards the sky and other branches go in different directions, some branches are bent and twisted and some branches cross each other - and sadly, other branches break and fall. To survive, a tree has to have water to drink and room to grow, it has to be well-looked after - you cannot deface a tree with graffiti and hack hollows in it and expect it to uphold you.
The way we treat our family tree shows how we live and prosper in life.

With that being said, I'll just say one thing. If I am blessed with a daughter, I'll cloud-watch with her, even when she is fully grown - and in her childhood, give her roots she'll want to come back to.

- Sarah x


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