Just Sayin'....
LIFE I am absolutely loving the weather we've had the past few weeks, the consistent rain and the cheeky wind that makes you wish you didn't wear that dress with no leggings! I need a new pair of jeans because my only pair are a tad baggy - A. has kindly offered to buy me a new pair but I told him there are just some things a woman should do on her own - there's no need for both of us to suffer. I hate jeans shopping - how you get pairs that fit one thigh, or emphasize your muffin top or fit over your hips but don't zip up, or even worse, gives you a camel-toe. You also have to be in the right mood to shop for jeans - optimistic and cheerful and with the right company. You know how you get awesome shopping buddies that wait for you while you try stuff on and you get other people who just whiz through the shop and make a bee-line for exit and you're there like 'What's their hurry?" Retail shopping is like a creamy chocolate mousse, you can't rus...