My Life Now

I have been up since 4am, fuelled by coffee and a vanilla slice and sent the final edits to my editor - along with second thoughts I had about my author photo. There have been a few changes since I last blogged. Alan and I moved into our first home and adopted a little grey tabby called Enid. Alan and I binge-watched Wednesday on Netflix last year and Alan thought it was a lovely name, I loved the idea of it because I had a great aunt called Enid who passed away a few years ago, she was a sensational woman and is dearly missed - when I was fourteen and going through that phrase when I didn't like the way I looked, she told me I was beautiful and that I could be an actress when I grew up. You couldn't help but light up around Aunt Enid, she had eyes that promised kindness and magic and that is what drew people to her. She had this adorable gap between her teeth. I used to have one too waaaay back in grade I don't don't even want to say how many years it has been. But anyway,the braces closed the gap between my teeth and corrected the over-bite. At Aunt Enid's funeral, there was talk about an old wive's tale handed down through the family that women who were born with the gap between their teeth could look forward to twins! (Aunt Enid had twins, two beautiful girls she loved to dress in the same clothes because she was clever with a sewing machine and a sense of style) I told Alan this tale and he was not as excited about it as I was! So, cat-End is an adorable little terror with an angel face and a sweet personality, treats are the key to her feline heart and needless to say, Alan and I are besotted with her. I didn't think I could love Alan any more than I did, but then he brought Enid home and told me the story about how he went to the shelter and when she wandered out of her cage, she jumped on his lap and gave him a whiskery kiss and that was that. She was ours. I have been doing alot of thinking lately about the what I really want to do in the future and in the long-term I want to study a Bachelor of Arts so I can become a book editor. It falls natrually into my skill-set and my desire to create. In the meantime I am enjoying what I have going for me in this moment, focusing mostly on family and friends because that is what counts most in this life - that's what my Aunt Audrey said in her birthday speech not so long along, she's Aunt Enid's younger sister and she's like a fairy queen who can dance longer than I can - Aunt Enid said "...without family and friends, what have we got?" I have also been having a dig around in the garden, pulling up weeds (and a couple of unfortunate plants) and I cannot wait to plant lavender, angelonia, roses. And I want to build a cubby house for my nephew when he comes to visit me. That's a few things I am looking to do once I have finished paying off this book. There will be more blogs coming soon! Thanks for tuning in! - Sarah x


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