Cooking Up A Storm

Blog inspiration dried up after my last entry. I think it was just a little bit of everything. Dealing with the move, Covid-19, then there was this heavy exhaustion which made me go nigh-nighs on my days off work. For awhile there I just wanted to sleep every chance I had, which I guess is only natural when you are low on iron and I would wake up in the early morning, around 2:00am and not be able to fall back to sleep until 3:30-4:00am. It was really rough and the best sleep I had was during and after an operation. Sleep apnea is a real drag... Fortunately things are better now. Most nights are restful (for me, anyway!) But it wasn't all doom and gloom. In these past two years I have published two books and the third is in the works. It took a year to feel at home in what I like to think of my little writer garret. Alan is ever the same, ever as kind, ever as loving, ever as good. I normally say that I don't have time for cooking, but the truth is I don't make time, there are days when I get home from the daily cross country of commuting from one side of town to the other and can't be fucked to make something. And when I do make something, they are the staples I can make blind-folded. Pumpkin soup. Spaghetti bolonaise. Steamed vegetabled,cooked meat and instant gravy. You know...stuff that takes effort but you don't neccesarily have to think too much about. Sometimes there is only so much thinking one can do in a day... Now that he's working from home, Alan flexes his culinary muscles to my constant delight, but now that my body and mind have adjusted to the new normal - it's time for me to put on the apron again and Alan cheered me on, excitedly shoved a recipe book into my hands and suggested maybe I make a curry. Nope, not brave enough to try that one just yet. So I flipped through the pages and found a recipe for caramelized pork. I chose it with Alan in mind, kind of a 'thank you for making me try something different' gift. The Caramelized Pork recipe is from an Asian cook book with 6 ingredients or less - that's my kind of book! So here's to a new adventure for Life, Love And The Every Day, it's nice to be back. - Sarah x


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