The Variables
Variables is a word I have been tossing around in my head for the past couple of weeks.
Something unexpected happened that made me think about the variables in my present and future and where they might take me.
I did a bit of Googling into the definition of Variables and according to,there are five different variables and on the website the five variables are used in a different context relating to learning a new language.
Yet these five variables had me thinking and I applied this method to my own thought process about what I think and feel about the situation about my present and future health.
Late January 2020 brought me an opportunity to address and resolve a few things that I have been putting off for awhile in relation to a health condition I have called Poly Cystic Ovaries Syndrome and I am relieved that this season for me has begun with a relative amount of peace, love and support from my family and close friends and I know when this situation is resolved, that I will be healthier, happier and stronger than ever. I have been thinking about the Variables that have brought me to this point in my life and now that I look back on the signs that I have overlooked or neglected out of fear and wish that I had been braver sooner because the variable of that action may have changed the amount of time, money and hard work that I will need to put into becoming a healthier version of myself for the sake of my future and all the things and dreams I hold most dear.
Ever the optimist, I take comfort in the fact that once this season is done - it is unlikely I will relive it again as I age.
Variables are wonderful, tricky things. Sometimes they bring disappointment and other times they bring fate and what is meant.
1) Dependent Variables: The Situation.
2) Independent Variables: The steps I will take to change the outcome for myself.
3) Intervening Variables: Obstacles, distractions and life.
4) Moderator Variables: What I will have to adapt and adjust if things don't go to plan.
5) Control Variables: What I know is under control and what I can control.
6) Extraneous Variables: The foreseen risks. What might happen if the Dependent and Independent variables go one way or the other and the outcomes that have been considered or not considered that will bring about the final conclusion.
Life is full of variables and the circumstances that bring those variables, good or bad, can change the rest of our lives and the lives of those around us, the familiar faces of those we love and the strangers that are linked to the variables we can see and the ones we don't.
Variables present us with challenges, opportunities and victories.
And that is why they are important.
For those of you who are thinking about the variables in your life that have led you to where you are, whether it is in the middle of a challenge, striving towards opportunities or standing proud in victory, be strong and have courage.
It is okay to be scared of the Extraneous Variables but don't let those fears stop your stride.
Book of Joshua - 1:9 - Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged.
For the Lord your God will be with you every where you go.
- Sarah xx
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