A Country Escape

Mount Tamborine has a very speical place in my heart and is full of memories growing up with *Victoria and *Cassandra. Today we visited Canungra, a small picturesque town in the Scenic Rim which is bordered by mountains and have trees scattered all over them like giant brocilli. The azure sky looks closer to earth and the sun is warmer. Today was my Mum's birthday and we do a country escape for her birthday almost every year, she grew up in Kin-Kin on a farm in the late 60's and between ages 10-12 moved with her family to the booming town of Brisbane. Time after time, she misses the fresh air of the mountains so we head out Mount Tamborine way. This year *Victoria, Alan and myself squished into the back of Dad's sleek black ride. It was a cosy trip there and back! Once we arrived in Canungra I climbed out of the car, stretched and inhaled the fresh mountain air on a sigh before turning to Alan and said the same thing I always say when we venture here. "Plea...