A Danish & Korean Blend
LIFE The weather in Brisbane is turning chillier which feels simply divine after the heat-wave that lasted all summer. It's cardigan and jumper season again and I can't seem to find the reindeer mistle-toe jumper I picked up at a Fashion Warriors event last year... At the moment my thoughts and intentions are centred around home - in three months A. and are moving out to somewhere new so I am using this time to do the in-depth cleaning that I was too lethargic to do in the summer. The Danish have something called Hygge in winter (pronounced hooga), it's basically when it's too cold to go anywhere so they stay close to home. I feel that I will be in hygge for the next nine months before my wedding - but hey, bring it on! I can't believe how fast this year is flying. LOVE This past week I haven't seen much of A. because he's on a contract, waking up at 5:00am and coming home at 6:00pm. He's experiencing profound work right now, taking calls from...