Going With The Flow


I was thinking about how I ended up on this road. It's beautiful scenery with off-beaten paths, most days it's grass and some days it's gravel. I like what I do in childcare and I strive to do it well.
There are moments when I think "Now why didn't I do literature straight out of high school?" but then there are those Ahhh-haaa! moments that connect the dots.
But there was something else that God reminded me about today, it came out of nowhere while I was washing out paint containers. I realised that God had been preparing this destiny for me all along even as a young girl in primary school. I was a quiet kid, tucked away in the special education unit most of the time and I found it hard to relate to my peers - so I would go to the library at lunch-time and that was my haven. My primary school had a medieval castle fort in the library and I relished walking up those stairs to go to my reading nook with its little window and bond with my fictious friends. But other than that, I used to look out for the kids younger than me. Whether it was a listening ear or a hug - I remembered that today, and realised that this was the platform that God would shape my destiny. Over the years I have been discouraged and have tried countless times - in words and deed, to run in the opposite direction and have a glamorous career where I can wear fake nails without fear of gouging someone's eye out or coming home with play-dough stuck to the bottom of my sneakers or drool on my shirt - but like Jonah, God has his own unique way of bringing me back. (I'm glad mine wasn't as fishy as Jonah's!)
Anyhow, that's the revelation I had today. I love working where I am, it's something where I am apart of a big picture - it's somewhere children are nourished, nurtured and loved. And in the bargain I belong to some kind of Amazonian tribe, we all come from different cultures and backgrounds and we have one definite thing in common - we all have a passion for God.
It's amazing how God unites people who under normal circumstances, would not meet.


Nothing tests your love and endurance like a couples personal training session!
A. and I risked love and limb to work towards a common goal!
It was pretty exhilarating and we nailed it - then celebrated with Subway!
What more can I say? This is it. We share a newfound love for RAW and Southpark and share the same Star Wars body wash. It must be love!


Let's just say that during the course of the past couple of months, I tipped the Food Pyramid so it balanced precariously upside down and neglected my exercise. When I hopped onto the scales three weeks ago I was the same, except I had a new number: 89.2. I stood there for ages and cursed - that woke me up, now I am hitting the gym 3-4 times a week and have added more ruffage to my food-in-take. Lot's of fruit and greens and a little bit of chocolate now and then to keep me sweet - I've tried doing the cold-turkey thing, makes me mean!
I have also given myself another goal and that is to live in the present.
Sometimes when life is stressful my mind does this thing where it takes me through an escape door into the future - there I see the life I am building with A.
I see us happy and living in some urban apartment walking our cat and dog on leashes with our kids in prams and riding on bikes, firing more questions than we can answer.
 But there's a few things we have to do before then...like get our driver's licences, get hitched, get said apartment, travel and sleep in on weekends.
On Tuesday night I was sitting in the sauna at the gym just worrying - worrying about our jobs, worrying about when we'll get enough money together to buy the apartment, worrying about how we'll save money to get married - and kids - OMGOSH - the list went on and on.
The beginning of this Bible verse sprung to mind.

Psalm 127:1 Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.
 Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.

Which brings me to another revelation: I have to chill the hell out and let God do his thing!
Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...
I'm not there yet but I'm working on it...


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