New Season, New Traditions


The first day of Spring was a beautiful, forget-me-not blue sky and clouds.
I spent most of the day in bed recovering from a bout of what I now suspect was hay-fever, the symptoms were all there yesterday at work. Runny nose, a nasty case of the sneezes and heavy lethargy which cleared up later today.
In general, life is going well.
Writing inspiration for books is coming in spades and I am working heaps more.
Now that I have a little bit more money, there has been a little bit more to save and spend and I am enjoying buying bits and pieces for my new wardrobe.
I bought a new dress from Wardrobe Warriors weekend before last, it's a knee-length white crochet lace dress which cost me $15.00 and it looks amazing with my pair of caramel calf-length boots.
I rocked my new out-fit at church on Friday night with a blue glass heart-shaped pendant that Grandma gave me a few birthdays ago.
What made Friday night even more special was having one of my best friends over for a girlie night afterwards. Remember Ally from Fiji? She is back in town for another month before heading back to Fiji. We had some wine and a giggle (well, lots of giggles) and talked about Fiji.
There are moments when I close my eyes and I am drinking kava in Ucunivanua, standing in the crowded market place in Suva and laughing with Ally, Leez, Lolo and Hanisi.


A. and I met the Saturday before Christmas in 2012.
I was the shy wall-flower who had found solace on the L-shaped couch at a friend's birthday party and he came and sat down next to me and over the course of four hours - ruined me for every other guy in the universe. Normally I was nervous talking to guys who weren't family or friends, but something about A. made me feel safe, that I could be myself with him and at the end of the night when we didn't exchange phone numbers - I wondered if he felt what I had felt or whether I was just imagining it all. But the next day I didn't have to wonder any more, he added me on Facebook - I learnt later that he had forgotten my name.

To this day when people ask me how we met, I say 'We met on a couch.'
Our story is this: We started dating on January 17th the next year, dated three months before we said 'I love you', moved in together for the first time after seven months and since then life has brought us forward. Through good and hard times, through financial strain and victory, through depression and anxiety, increasing and decreasing waist-lines and the ups and downs of everyday life.
There are times when I wish that we were back on that couch because that night was so good and I was my best person. It takes courage to get to know someone, to show them the best and worst of you and be there as the story unfolds after 'the happily ever after'.
Incase you are wondering what A.'s and my 'happily ever after' is like after three years, it changes everyday. For instance, on Friday night when Ally and I came home. A. is lying on the couch watching the footy. We say hello, I give him a peck on the forehead in greeting and he notices I am not wearing my work uniform as I usually do on a Friday afternoon. I am wearing my new white dress and this is the first time A. has seen me in it.
"Is that your new dress?" He asks me.
Expecting him to be enamoured, I answer. "Yes. Do you like it?"
After we started dating, A. would say 'You look nice', my inner writer demanded more descriptive adjectives from my boyfriend. 
'Nice' is having a packet of Tim Tams to yourself or inhaling Vick's Vapour Rub when you have a cold.
Now here is a chance for A. to say something sweet or flirty, instead he goes with.
"It looks like curtains!" 
Oh. My. Gosh!
It is moments like this when I don't know whether to laugh or cry. So I yelled.
"Are you kidding me! You're a d**head!"
Believe it or not, this is about as intelligent as our conversations get sometimes.
It must be love because A. is the only guy I have ever called d***head to his face and he hasn't run for the hills...yet.
 Just a foot-note, but after me reading this aloud to him A. said dryly in response.
"I would but the door is locked!"

New traditions started before Spring set in this year.
Over the two weeks that A's parents were here, they instilled in both of us a yen for the Sunday markets.
Now two Sundays out of each month, A. and I head to our local and buy fresh groceries and browse through the stalls. It's something we both enjoy immensely, I couldn't see myself doing it just once a month. For me, it was a really exciting thing for us to agree on.
This is a new chapter in this ongoing saga about A.'s and mine 'happily ever after'.

- Sarah xx


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