A Saturday Miracle, Reflections and Day Dreaming
Miracles happen when you least expect them to.
A miracle happened for me on Saturday morning, a miracle which has been long anticipated.
There were some days when I did not doubt it would come to pass, then there were moments which tested my faith - in those moments I thought God had forgotten about me and the desires of my heart because I cried, I got angry and still - there was no answer. Over time, silence is the loudest sound of all. That's why when you receive an answer, it is a beautiful moment where you feel like all the rays of golden sunshine are warming you from the inside out.
Then there is the blessing of certainty and once more, we are not afraid to hope.
Because this miracle is of a personal nature, I'll reveal more in time.
Sharing your life with someone is a brave act in itself. A life-long commitment which brings joy, laughter and tears, the good and bad kind. A. and I have now been together just a little bit over three years now. During that time I have found peace and solace in the knowledge that there is somebody in my life who loves me just as much as I love him, on blessed days and dark ones.
But I have found being the best person I can be in a relationship is an ongoing, practical study.
Being there whether the yoke is heavy or light, offering love and encouragement and help where ever needed. Unceasingly and unconditionally. There are been moments when I haven't known what to do or say but doing what I can do and do it well - simply being a friend (a ridiculously good-looking friend!) No wonder they say that friendship is the solid foundation for a relationship!
At work last week I got a sore back, I'm not going to say how but let's just say I need to lift more weights at the gym! I am all better now, after resting regularly and applying icepacks and heat packs on rotation. A.'s Mum arrived on Sunday afternoon and is staying here for a week; she and I are watching the first season of Call A Midwife on Netflix. Yay for Netflix!
After shredding the ghost story two weeks ago, I haven't felt like writing as much. I have an idea coming to mind and have a few manuscripts I would like to edit but nothing I want to follow up right now - maybe I'll feel differently after the clutter in my living room has been removed elsewhere...and I find somewhere else to write where I am not distracted by Netflix or my somewhat impressive book collection.
I also have some decisions to make about driving and studying again. Isn't it funny how you leave things for awhile and they come back full circle?
Heck, I want to drive! I want to feel the thrill of driving 100km/h down the highway, go on day trips to Mount Tamborine or Wynnum and not have to catch the bus to work.
On the other hand, I'm bit of a panic-stick and would feel awful if I was ever responsible for an accident. Put like that, I suppose the only thing that's really stopping me is my own mind.
I'll make a decision about that in the next week.
On the other hand, I'll resume my Childcare Diploma next year.
You know what's been on my mind a lot lately? Other than daily guilt-fests about my food choices and future plans?
A quant log cabin surrounded by the woods, with a smoking chimney, 'smores, chocolate-dipped strawberries and my lap-top.
Last, but most important - A.
Until dream becomes reality, imagine with me.
- Sarah x

Whipbird Cabin, Jacaranda Cottages - Maleny.
Miracles happen when you least expect them to.
A miracle happened for me on Saturday morning, a miracle which has been long anticipated.
There were some days when I did not doubt it would come to pass, then there were moments which tested my faith - in those moments I thought God had forgotten about me and the desires of my heart because I cried, I got angry and still - there was no answer. Over time, silence is the loudest sound of all. That's why when you receive an answer, it is a beautiful moment where you feel like all the rays of golden sunshine are warming you from the inside out.
Then there is the blessing of certainty and once more, we are not afraid to hope.
Because this miracle is of a personal nature, I'll reveal more in time.
Sharing your life with someone is a brave act in itself. A life-long commitment which brings joy, laughter and tears, the good and bad kind. A. and I have now been together just a little bit over three years now. During that time I have found peace and solace in the knowledge that there is somebody in my life who loves me just as much as I love him, on blessed days and dark ones.
But I have found being the best person I can be in a relationship is an ongoing, practical study.
Being there whether the yoke is heavy or light, offering love and encouragement and help where ever needed. Unceasingly and unconditionally. There are been moments when I haven't known what to do or say but doing what I can do and do it well - simply being a friend (a ridiculously good-looking friend!) No wonder they say that friendship is the solid foundation for a relationship!
At work last week I got a sore back, I'm not going to say how but let's just say I need to lift more weights at the gym! I am all better now, after resting regularly and applying icepacks and heat packs on rotation. A.'s Mum arrived on Sunday afternoon and is staying here for a week; she and I are watching the first season of Call A Midwife on Netflix. Yay for Netflix!
After shredding the ghost story two weeks ago, I haven't felt like writing as much. I have an idea coming to mind and have a few manuscripts I would like to edit but nothing I want to follow up right now - maybe I'll feel differently after the clutter in my living room has been removed elsewhere...and I find somewhere else to write where I am not distracted by Netflix or my somewhat impressive book collection.
I also have some decisions to make about driving and studying again. Isn't it funny how you leave things for awhile and they come back full circle?
Heck, I want to drive! I want to feel the thrill of driving 100km/h down the highway, go on day trips to Mount Tamborine or Wynnum and not have to catch the bus to work.
On the other hand, I'm bit of a panic-stick and would feel awful if I was ever responsible for an accident. Put like that, I suppose the only thing that's really stopping me is my own mind.
I'll make a decision about that in the next week.
On the other hand, I'll resume my Childcare Diploma next year.
You know what's been on my mind a lot lately? Other than daily guilt-fests about my food choices and future plans?
A quant log cabin surrounded by the woods, with a smoking chimney, 'smores, chocolate-dipped strawberries and my lap-top.
Last, but most important - A.
Until dream becomes reality, imagine with me.
- Sarah x
Whipbird Cabin, Jacaranda Cottages - Maleny.
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