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LIFE: For the past few years, my New Years Resolutions have always been the same: 1. Study my Childcare Diploma 2. Graduate from Childcare Diploma 3. Get my driver's license 4. Lose weight. Those were going to be on the agenda for 2015 too - until I realised I was constantly worried about it all and becoming discouraged. Last year I worried about the money to achieve my driving and losing weight goals. I seemed to be having more luck with the weight loss back then so I decided that something had to give - so I chose the gym and am slowly losing weight and learning to make healthy food choices. (Sometimes the hard way!) Last year I worried about those goals and going all what I like to call 'Baby Crazy'. So this year I'm practicing hands off. No worrying about the future and focusing on the here and now. No worrying about studying until I get a steady job to pay tuition, no worrying about driving lessons either. My intentions for this year is to concentrat...