
Showing posts from June, 2022

A Perspective for Failure

Each day brings it's own joys and sorrows, acheivements, challenges and failures. On those days when we are tested, challenged and fail - the important thing is to see it through eyes that are wiser, kinder than the day before and begin afresh. Sometimes that is really hard, espeically when there is a melacholic part of human nature that likes to wallow in what cannot be changed. Crawling out of the mud of self-blame and pity is a tough slog but once we stand up tall and let the promise of a new day fill us with hope and faith that we can do better, will do better, then it's all right. Because with failure comes the blessing of awareness, of knowledge and with awareness and knowledge comes resilience and strength. And with that, the opportunity to be tested and challenged again, to succeed where we have failed. That's what life is about, being tested, challenged, failing and succeeding, then being proud of what we can do. - Sarah x

Storms & Silver Linings

So...does anyone else think Mercury Retrograde sucked? I knew the exact moment that Mercury Retrograde started for me, it made a dramatic entrance with a feathery beaked pheasant shitting on me one drizzly Tuesday morning as I was about to cross the road to work. I can't even talk about the second thing that happend. It was that bad. It was like Glee and Gossip Girl combined without the added flair of a crowd pleasing hit song. And I was a nervous wreck during my first radio interview, I'm pretty sure I could make a drinking game out of how many times I said, "yeah, exactly!" And I finished my interview with "Amen, amen..." I mean, I guess there are worse ways to end your first public debut but because I was so nervous I wasn't myself. To be fair, it was a live interview. My very first one. And because of Mercury Retrograde being an asshole, I wasn't feeling particuarily sparkly... I don't think it will be my last live interview, the next on...