Cooking Up A Storm
Blog inspiration dried up after my last entry. I think it was just a little bit of everything. Dealing with the move, Covid-19, then there was this heavy exhaustion which made me go nigh-nighs on my days off work. For awhile there I just wanted to sleep every chance I had, which I guess is only natural when you are low on iron and I would wake up in the early morning, around 2:00am and not be able to fall back to sleep until 3:30-4:00am. It was really rough and the best sleep I had was during and after an operation. Sleep apnea is a real drag... Fortunately things are better now. Most nights are restful (for me, anyway!) But it wasn't all doom and gloom. In these past two years I have published two books and the third is in the works. It took a year to feel at home in what I like to think of my little writer garret. Alan is ever the same, ever as kind, ever as loving, ever as good. I normally say that I don't have time for cooking, but the truth is I don't make ...