Back To The Roots

LIFE Every moment becomes a memory. Which is why I try to make every waking moment a good one. But at the end of the day, I'm human. This season I have felt that its time to get serious about doing the things I have been putting off and making time to do them. I think the reason why I have become more driven is because I want to enroll in a writing and editing course - I wish I had done it straight after highschool, but the flip-side is I have more life experience to put into it. Another reason is I'll be married in ten months time - I want to start this new chapter in my life - if there is a time to make things right, it's now. LOVE A. and I have both been busy, carving out a future for ourselves in a world that doesn't stop except when we look at each other. I'm counting down the months (impatiently) for the wedding and life is good. & THE EVERYDAY A. was in Sydney last weekend so I hung out at Mum and Dad's. I don't see them as much as...