
Showing posts from October, 2015

Casting Cares

LIFE It is a sunny morning here in Brisbane and I am enjoying the view from my window, the day promises perfection and I would settle for nothing less on a shopping day. In a short while I am hitting the town with my friend Rissa, aside from being ridiculously gorgeous and possibly the sweetest person I know, she's my lucky charm when it comes to shopping days. Have you always got that particular friend with you on shopping days when you snap up good buys and somehow shopping without them seems sacrilegious?  Today I am able to buy something stunning and I cannot decide on whether it will be shoes or a pair of blue jeans, whatever it is - I'll know it when I see it. LOVE  A. has just been granted two weeks paid leave because his shoulder is giving him grief, on a scale of one to ten his would be a seven or an eight. Fortunately it will heal in time, depending on R&R, the shoulder therapist and the medication. It is coming up to a year since what we refer to as ...