
Showing posts from 2021

Soul Connections & Little Matchbox Cars

From the time I was a little girl, I knew that I wanted to be married. I mean, after seeing Disney princes sing and slay dragons to win the hearts of their princesses - I was totally for it, espeically if I got to wear a Disney style dress (which I did when Alan and I tied the knot.) In my late teens and early twenties, I wondered what it was that made two people decide that they wouldn't run out of things to talk about and to be around each other so much and not get on each other's nerves. I have always been a hopeless romantic and I was happy to learn what this was as I went along. You learn a lot about a person the more you get to know them, you get to know them so well that you can read their face like the pages of a book, you learn about give and take, to appreciate there is a time and place for everything and their pet peeves, the best way to annoy them in a way that they find frustrating yet endearing, what is absolute no-go and yet, they are still a mystery and every...

Feels Like Home

Back in the 1998, Dawson's Creek was the show to tune into. I was too young to watch it but every now and then, nine year old me would sneak into the lounge room and gawk at the goregousness of Joshua Jackson. I never actually watched a full episode until I binge-watched Dawson's Creek on Stan. Full disclosure. Even at the tender of nine and from the snippets I was able to watch, I was Team Pacey all the way! I don't know how it happened, but The Dawsons Creek CD ended up in our CD stash. My pre-pubescent heart fluttered at the lyrics to Kiss Me by Six Pence None Richer, wept at the sound of Cry Opheila, swooned at the lyrics to Lose Your Way and I belted out the lyrics to Life's A Bitch because nine-year old me didn't know bitch is a swear word. But there is always one song that I'd play on repeat and that was Feels Like Home. Feels Like Home is a love-song, it is about the safety and intimacy of a solid relationship. But for me, what else comes to mind w...

A Period Of Adjustment

All of us did our best at the beginning of Covid-19, it affected and challenged all of us in different ways. Emotionally, mentally, physically, financially and spiritually. Life as we knew it changed for the foreseeable future, perhaps forever. Before Covid-19, we never thought twice about the germs which could be spread through the handles of plastic grocery basket. We never thought twice about using our hand to press the button at street light. There were so many things we did not think about that we now think about daily. I imagine this is how Adam and Eve felt after being evicted from the Garden of Eden - two bites of forbidden fruit and there they were in a new place where they were afraid, vulnerable and wishing they could go back the way they came. Instead they had to undergo a period of adjustment, learning about their new environment through failing and succeeding - becoming stronger emotionally, mentally and physically so that in time they were not afraid, they were br...