The Wedding

I slept better than I thought and woke at 5:50am on the morning of my wedding day. "It's today." I muttered to myself in disbelief and looked up at my wedding dress called Channing that was hanging on the curtain rod of my Mum and Dad's guest bedroom. In a matter of hours I would be putting it on for this long-awaited day that had been a year in the making. I made myself a cup of tea and went to the small television room and turned on My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 which was a very appropriate selection given the day's event. Mum and Dad came in and watched it with me and it was a nice way to begin the day. 8:30AM saw the arrival of my bridesmaids, we had an al fresco breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and juice. Everyone was in good spirits, excitedly talking about the day ahead. At 10:00am the hair stylist, photographer and make-up artist arrived. Marisa the hair stylist chose a corner in the living room facing a mirror with an intric...